We are tasked by businesses and public bodies to conduct recruitment operations in all business sectors and for all trades, both at the national and international level.
Welcoming a new colleague onto your team is a task with far-reaching consequences for your organisation. Indeed, a bad decision can have a negative impact both on your business’s finances and its overall performance.
Consequently, businesses must try to keep their risks to a minimum by making the recruitment process as fail-safe as possible, starting from defining a job’s profile right up until the end of the probation period.
We are fully aware of the various challenges and expectations that are associated with fulfilling your recruitment needs. The LBE® agency works at your side and offers you its proven methodologies and significant know-how in recruitment to help protect your business and ensure that the staffing process is a resounding success.
Working as a trusted intermediary between the organisation in recruitment and the job candidate, we are aware of the significant social and ethical responsibilities that fall to us. We promise to perfectly fulfill all these obligations by applying to the letter our Code of Ethics for both employers and job candidates.
The LBE® agency is committed to respecting and protecting the confidentiality of all employers who commission their recruitment services.
Our profession calls for absolute confidentiality when it comes to any and all information that our clients entrust to us
We ensure to protect this information, and we establish with our clients in advance exactly what we are authorised to share with potential job candidates.
Our Code of Ethics for employers describes in detail our commitment to confidentiality.
Listening and Attention to detail
Before beginning to look for potential job candidates, we take the time necessary to listen to our clients and rigorously analyse the actual needs of their company. This means determining, as precisely as possibly, the skills and experience level required for the vacancy.
Further, our complete mastery of the job market and the regulations in place means that we can steer the Human Resources Department towards a realistic, relevant and fair recruitment goal for both the business and the job candidate.
This diagnostic step is crucial. It forms the basis for the successful completion of the recruitment process that we have been commissioned to complete.
Building your success together
Our clients play a highly active role in the recruitment process. We work as a team as we move forward to successfully fulfill the recruitment objectives together.
Thanks to this pragmatic and synergetic approach, we can guarantee our client’s satisfaction every step of the way, right up until the successful conclusion of the entire recruitment process.
An effective and ethical job search
The LBE® agency enlists a network of professionals to identify the most suitable candidates to fill your job vacancies.
We then move onto a rigorous and objective selection process based on balancing the applicants’ CVs against the information that we have collected and analysed during the diagnostic stage.
We make it a point of honour to observe our Code of Ethics to the letter, which entails an exemplary ethical, non-discriminatory and respectful approach.
Quality monitoring
During the recruitment process, we check in regularly with our clients so that they can closely follow the progress of the various steps of this operation.
We keep our clients regularly informed about how our search is progressing so that they are always up-to-date on all the work that is currently taking place and can approve any key decisions in the recruitment process.
The LBE® agency has developed a methodology which makes the most of our efforts and maximises your results.
We consider time to be the most precious treasure of all. From this viewpoint naturally flows an intelligent management of the complete recruitment process, such that both the company recruiting and the candidates applying are able to quickly find practical answers to their questions, thus facilitating the final decision-making process for both parties.
Even in exceptionally rare circumstances, our contracts include a Guarantee clause that protects our clients from the risk of an unsuccessful recruitment process.
What this means in practice is that, if the newly established employer-employee relationship needs to be terminated during the probationary period, no matter the reason for the employee’s departure, we will begin a second recruitment process free of charge.
This provision grants you all the confidence and peace of mind that you need so that you can focus on your core business and dedicate your time and energy to your priorities, without having to worry about the recruitment process that has been entrusted to our agency.
1. How are you different from the other recruitment agencies ?
The answer is simple: “Our added value lies in our combined human and operational approach”.
We have opted for a winning strategy that guarantees not only satisfactory results in terms of the recruitment goals set by our clients, but also includes close monitoring and guidance in the long term, both for companies recruiting employees as well as for job candidates.
In fact, we believe that working in the recruitment industry should go far beyond charging employers for selecting CVs to be included on a shortlist*, especially since there are so many easily accessible online databases out there overflowing with potential job candidates.
Indeed, the one aspect of our work that we consider to be the most crucial, and which we view as our absolute priority, is the human element.
By putting this at the centre of our thought process and actions, we naturally engage in a quality relationship dynamic built around the final goal: the best job match possible, both for the company and the candidate.
* Shortlist: Once an initial list of job candidates has been established, a first selection is made following a detailed analysis of their CVs and cover letters which results in a narrower list of potential candidates called a shortlist.
2. Can a small business make use of the LBE® agency’s Recruitment services ?
Yes, absolutely. Small businesses can fully rely on us to not only adapt our fees to their economic situation, but also to provide them with a top-of-the-line recruitment service, of the same high quality that we offer medium-sized, large, and very large businesses.
The fact is that, often when small businesses advertise to fill a job vacancy, the applications they receive tend to be disappointing, both in terms of quantity and quality.
The results of their job search end up being even worse when the position requires an experienced professional, since these types of candidates tend to naturally turn towards larger organisations.
In light of this, calling upon the LBE® agency’s Recruitments services offers numerous strategic advantages for your small business.
In fact, by entrusting your recruitment needs to the LBE® agency, you will lower your costs and free up your precious time so that you can focus on your core business and its development.
We have the ability to find you the best candidates possible for your business, no matter your organisation’s particularities, since we strive to perfectly understand your situation in order that we can accurately respond to your needs and help you advance its development.
Further, we work together with our clients to create an attractive image for your company by highlighting its advantages and the benefits that it can offer its employees. We emphasize its strong points and the good professional opportunity that the job vacancy in question offers. This is how we are able to appeal to qualified candidates and develop their interest in your business.
3. How does entrusting our recruitment needs to the LBE® agency help us to reduce the costs and risks associated with the recruitment process ?
Calling upon the LBE® agency to handle your recruitment needs allows you not only to reduce the high internal costs of the recruitment process, but also ensures that you will avoid the risks associated with making a poor choice.
Advertising a job vacancy is a significant investment that does not necessarily guarantee a positive outcome – never mind the cost of one of your employees having to deal with the job application process. Our assistance will prove to be invaluable for your internal recruitment department, especially when the job vacancy in question is rare, when it involves technical difficulties or when your internal resources are already stretched to the limit. Contracting the services of the LBE® agency will end up costing less than recruiting on your own and also allows you to determine the exact costs associated with the recruitment process.
Further, the LBE® agency offers you a “Replacement Guarantee”. In other words, we commit to replacing the chosen candidate at any time during the probation period if for some reason things do not go as planned.
In closing, you are 100% guaranteed, both on the financial level as well as the risk management level, when you contract the LBE® agency’s Recruitment services.
4. How can you limit the financial risks involved in the hiring process ?
The exact cost of the recruitment process can be broken down in a fairly precise manner:
- Administrative costs related to recruiting a new employee
- Training costs expended for the new recruit
- Costs linked to a decreased productivity for a certain period of time when the recruit first begins the new position
- Costs arising from the time spent by those in charge of hiring and other operational partners
- Costs arising from management’s support and guidance
These costs can increase further if the recruitment needs are complex, whether because of the occupation in question, the combination of skills required, the labour market, the wage policy, any constraints the company is under, etc.
If a new recruit does not fit with your needs, you also have to deal with the consequences of your mistake and manage the resulting cost burden.
Further, you have to start the recruitment process over again, while the position remains vacant during an undetermined period of time, thus raising the level of uncertainty and risk for your business.
In order to avoid these sorts of problems, which can gravely impact your business’s performance and financial situation, and to make this important matter 100% guaranteed, we offer solid and efficient support during every step of this delicate process, making the necessary resources available to you to confidently and thoroughly evaluate potential job candidates.
5. We are a small/up-and-coming business that does not have a recognisable enough image to attract qualified candidates to our ranks. How can the LBE® agency help us ?
To remedy your small/new business’s understandable lack of reputation, we offer precious and customised assistance to help you improve your corporate image and increase how attractive you are to potential job candidates.
We help you to reach out to potential job candidates who are not currently on the market, who are not familiar with your business or who only know of it from a distance.
The LBE® agency acts as your ambassador when dealing with potential job candidates. As a result, we do everything in our power to put forward a professional and irreproachable image of your company, by highlighting your various career opportunities and the prospects that your business sector has to offer.
We make our effective work tools available to you and put in place all the necessary means for you to succeed in your recruitment project.
6. We need to fill a key position as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot devote any time to this since our employees are already overwhelmed with work. How can the LBE® agency help ?
The LBE® agency can help you to save the time that you so desperately need.
In fact, after analysing your business sector, the occupation and desired skills, the job market, the ideal job profile and the salary offered, we will swiftly orient the job search to your needs and identify the best tactics for advertising the job offer and approaching potential candidates.
We judiciously promote your business so as to attract the most qualified candidates, thus facilitating and accelerating the application review stage.
As such, you can completely entrust these tasks to us with confidence and peace of mind. Thanks to our accurate and regular reporting, you will be kept up-to-date on every step of the recruitment process, and you are also invited to give your input whenever you see fit.
This means that you will still have the time you need to fully devote yourself to your other important and pressing business matters.
Your assistance is, of course, required for the final selection process. At this time, we will help you to distinguish which applicants have profiles that best match the requirements of the position being filled (skills, know-how, cultural fit with your company and its teams, potential for growth, etc.). With this knowledge, we can rapidly work together towards making a final, appropriate and satisfactory choice both for you and your new recruit, which guarantees your combined success throughout the probation period and your future together.
7. We require a job candidate with a very specific profile and with technical skills that are difficult to find. Can you help us ?
At the LBE® agency, we have a golden rule: to always tell our clients the truth.
A company’s director usually tends to look for the absolutely ideal candidate, which is sometimes like looking for a needle in a haystack.
As an outside observer, we can help them to face the realities inherent in the current job market and to consider potential candidates whom they might not otherwise have thought of, especially those coming from outside their business sector.
We offer our clients an innovative and broad vision of the recruitment process. Businesses rely on us to present them with potential job candidates that will be able to fulfill the needs of the job vacancy, and not necessarily candidates who have a list of diplomas and/or a strict, predefined work history which does not properly take into account the reality of the job market today and the incredible new recruitment opportunities that it offers.
In other words, to find the best person for the position that you are looking to fill, you are better to widen your horizons, and so increase your chances of success. As your trusted partner, we will work together with you to fulfill this demanding, but also promising, quest.
8. We previously contracted a recruitment agency to fill a key strategic position. Although the external recruitment process was properly managed, it was unsuccessful in the long run since the probation period did not go well. How can you ensure that the probation period will go smoothly and not end in disappointment ?
The risk of recruiting the wrong person, which results in a loss of time, performance and money, always exists, despite all the efforts that a recruitment agency puts towards selecting the best candidate for the job.
We work in the field of human resources, which are undoubtedly the most delicate and precious resources that a business has to manage.
Nevertheless, we strive to reassure you with tangible guarantees that can be broken down into two main points:
1- The LBE® agency guarantees the successful integration of the new recruit
We guarantee regular monitoring upon the new recruit’s arrival within your ranks. This way, we can work to fine-tune operations on both the candidate’s end as well as the organisation’s. This makes the integration process go smoothly and advantageously for both parties.
We guide the new recruits, and supervise them if necessary, so that they have the best conditions possible for realising their full potential and so that they can concentrate their efforts on attaining the objectives that their new employer has set for them.
If, however, we discover a problem that is liable to upset the successful completion of the probation period, on either side, we will let you know as soon as possible and clearly and accurately explain the risk that we have perceived. We will put ourselves at your disposal as we help you to solve this problem and to learn from it for the future.
2- The LBE® agency offers you a “Replacement Guarantee”
We include a Replacement Guarantee in our contacts which is valid throughout the entire probation period.
Whatever the reason for a new recruit’s departure during the probation period, you can make use of our Replacement Guarantee. We will then undertake to look for a replacement candidate at our own costs. We will start over the recruitment process in such a way that the position can be filled as quickly as possible and, most importantly, with the best candidate available.
This guarantee lets you avoid the risk of failure. You can plan to work with the LBE® agency to satisfy any of your future recruitment needs with confidence and peace of mind. Your success is guaranteed!
9. What kind of follow-up do you offer once the recruitment needs have been met ?
We offer a very valuable post-recruitment follow-up service which helps your company feel completely secure while also supporting the new recruit during the integration process. This includes making eventual readjustments so that the employer and the new employee can truly find the right balance to develop a new synergy between them that will generate energy and enthusiasm both for the new recruit as well as for the entire team.
We manage to achieve this ideal outcome (the recruit’s fulfilment as well as the employer’s satisfaction), by putting the human and operational dimension of our work at the centre of our interaction with our clients, from the very beginning of the process to the end of the probation period.
This approach lets us go right to the heart of the matter: finding out what motivates candidates and makes them loyal, and what satisfies a company and gives them the security they need.
10. Are your services available outside of France ?
Of course !
We are happy to guide you towards success in your professional projects no matter where you are, regardless of the country or city that you call home or the language that you speak.
In fact, the LBE® agency is proud to work at an international level.
We are open to all the world’s cultures and are happy to come to you in order to work with you towards your success.
Do not hesitate from contacting us to further discuss the services we offer.
If you have other questions about our Recruitment services, please feel free to contact us !