Aware of the fact that the sectors of Consulting, Coaching and Recruitment rely on the men and women who work in them,
Aware of the impact that this work can have on our clients and their employees,
Aware of the responsibilities inherent within the role we play on the economic, social and environmental levels,
We undertake to scrupulously following our General Code of Ethics, as explained below:
We shall
- Ensure respect for others, especially the basic human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the European Convention on Human Rights.
- Ensure that diverse cultures and worldviews are respected and encouraged.
- Develop a fair and rewarding work environment.
- Strictly follow the legislation in place in each of the countries where we work.
Aware of the fact that the sectors of Consulting, Coaching and Recruitment rely on the men and women who work in them,
Aware of the impact that this work can have on our clients and their employees,
Aware of the responsibilities inherent within the role we play on the economic, social and environmental levels,
We undertake to scrupulously following our General Code of Ethics, as explained below:
We shall
- Ensure respect for others, especially the basic human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the European Convention on Human Rights.
- Ensure that diverse cultures and worldviews are respected and encouraged.
- Develop a fair and rewarding work environment.
- Strictly follow the legislation in place in each of the countries where we work.

Our General Code of Ethics is built upon eight fundamental values:

1. Skills
Within the scope of the services that we offer, we can guarantee to provide all the skills necessary to successfully carry out the work contracted.
We shall uphold and continuously develop our skills capital.
We shall describe our quality management system whenever asked to by a prospective or existing client.
We shall demonstrate our ability to advance and innovate in a constantly evolving environment, and our methods shall always be aligned with the highest standards possible.

1. Skills
Within the scope of the services that we offer, we can guarantee to provide all the skills necessary to successfully carry out the work contracted.
We shall uphold and continuously develop our skills capital.
We shall describe our quality management system whenever asked to by a prospective or existing client.
We shall demonstrate our ability to advance and innovate in a constantly evolving environment, and our methods shall always be aligned with the highest standards possible.

2. Transparency
We shall communicate to our clients all published or non-confidential information related to our organisation, its capital structure and our ties to other business sectors.
By doing so, we shall make our client aware of any and all capitalist, financial and commercial relationships that we maintain with our partners, suppliers and other clients which could potentially create a conflict of interest in terms of their contract with us.
When we work in conjunction with other consulting agencies, service providers, equipment providers or commercial businesses, the nature of our relationships with these partners shall be made completely transparent.

2. Transparency
We shall communicate to our clients all published or non-confidential information related to our organisation, its capital structure and our ties to other business sectors.
By doing so, we shall make our client aware of any and all capitalist, financial and commercial relationships that we maintain with our partners, suppliers and other clients which could potentially create a conflict of interest in terms of their contract with us.
When we work in conjunction with other consulting agencies, service providers, equipment providers or commercial businesses, the nature of our relationships with these partners shall be made completely transparent.

3. Integrity
Intellectual honesty is always our guiding principle in our relationship with our clients.
We shall not make satisfying our clients’ interests contingent on satisfying our own interests, commercial or otherwise.
Our fees reflect the value of the services given and take into account the duties involved as well as any possible specific commitments that the client may require.

3. Integrity
Intellectual honesty is always our guiding principle in our relationship with our clients.
We shall not make satisfying our clients’ interests contingent on satisfying our own interests, commercial or otherwise.
Our fees reflect the value of the services given and take into account the duties involved as well as any possible specific commitments that the client may require.

4. Duty to Advise
In addition to our contractual obligations, we also systematically commit ourselves to fulfilling our duty to advise and provide information to our clients.
We consider it to be our duty to explain, inform, guide and caution our clients, as well as to adopt an active and diligent attitude when it comes to our relationship with them.

4. Duty to Advise
In addition to our contractual obligations, we also systematically commit ourselves to fulfilling our duty to advise and provide information to our clients.
We consider it to be our duty to explain, inform, guide and caution our clients, as well as to adopt an active and diligent attitude when it comes to our relationship with them.

5. Confidentiality
We guarantee all our clients the very highest level of confidentiality.
We shall keep strictly confidential any and all information which is not of a public nature that our clients reveal to us during the execution of the task that they have commissioned us to perform.
We shall use all the appropriate means necessary to ensure the absolute and total protection of this information.

5. Confidentiality
We guarantee all our clients the very highest level of confidentiality.
We shall keep strictly confidential any and all information which is not of a public nature that our clients reveal to us during the execution of the task that they have commissioned us to perform.
We shall use all the appropriate means necessary to ensure the absolute and total protection of this information.

6. Independence
We shall complete our tasks in the spirit of complete independence when it comes to our judgement and our actions, being absolute honesty and neutral, vis-à-vis any outside parties, and in the best interest of our clients.

6. Independence
We shall complete our tasks in the spirit of complete independence when it comes to our judgement and our actions, being absolute honesty and neutral, vis-à-vis any outside parties, and in the best interest of our clients.

7. Loyalty
As regards our clients, we shall rely only on fair business practices.
As regards our competition, we shall rely on upright and fair business practices that are based on the respect due to other professionals in the same field.
As regards our partners, we shall rely on business practices that are founded on mutual respect.

7. Loyalty
As regards our clients, we shall rely only on fair business practices.
As regards our competition, we shall rely on upright and fair business practices that are based on the respect due to other professionals in the same field.
As regards our partners, we shall rely on business practices that are founded on mutual respect.

8. Ethics
When faced with any unexpected or exceptional situation, we shall take the necessary measures to deal with the situation according to all the principles laid out within the present Code of Ethics.

8. Ethics
When faced with any unexpected or exceptional situation, we shall take the necessary measures to deal with the situation according to all the principles laid out within the present Code of Ethics.
The LBE® agency’s Consulting Services fall within a well-managed process that respects the particularities and interests of our client businesses and public bodies.
The Code of Ethics for our Consulting Services is built upon six fundamental values:

1. Confidentiality
The LBE® agency shall exercise professional discretion and maintain absolute confidentiality. The agency shall not use the information that it receives from a business or public body for any other purpose besides successfully completing the consultation work required.
The LBE® agency shall implement all appropriate measures to ensure absolute protection of such information.

1. Confidentiality
The LBE® agency shall exercise professional discretion and maintain absolute confidentiality. The agency shall not use the information that it receives from a business or public body for any other purpose besides successfully completing the consultation work required.
The LBE® agency shall implement all appropriate measures to ensure absolute protection of such information.

2. Contractualization
The LBE® agency shall establish a consulting service agreement before undertaking any action. This agreement will clearly define the expected services and fees, as well as the conditions surrounding any subcontracting or joint-contracting.

2. Contractualization
The LBE® agency shall establish a consulting service agreement before undertaking any action. This agreement will clearly define the expected services and fees, as well as the conditions surrounding any subcontracting or joint-contracting.

3. Due Care
The LBE® agency shall carry out its services in the common interest of the client and other beneficiaries by using the necessary means to meet its contractual obligations, including calling upon outside resources to complement the agency’s skills base when necessary.

3. Due Care
The LBE® agency shall carry out its services in the common interest of the client and other beneficiaries by using the necessary means to meet its contractual obligations, including calling upon outside resources to complement the agency’s skills base when necessary.

4. Transparency
The LBE® agency shall immediately inform its client of anything that is liable to disrupt the consultation process from going smoothly, that could prevent the objectives from being attained, or that might call the commitments made into question.
The LBE® agency shall justify its methods and the costs of its services.

4. Transparency
The LBE® agency shall immediately inform its client of anything that is liable to disrupt the consultation process from going smoothly, that could prevent the objectives from being attained, or that might call the commitments made into question.
The LBE® agency shall justify its methods and the costs of its services.

5. Integrity
The LBE® agency shall instigate a reliable, long-lasting partnership with its client businesses and public bodies based on a balanced relationship when it comes to openness, transparency and tracking, and shall remain fully aware and respectful of the rights and obligations of its clients.
The LBE® agency shall fully and thoroughly implicate the client in this working relationship and in achieving the desired results, and pledges to be the co-producer of manageable, working solutions for the client.

5. Integrity
The LBE® agency shall instigate a reliable, long-lasting partnership with its client businesses and public bodies based on a balanced relationship when it comes to openness, transparency and tracking, and shall remain fully aware and respectful of the rights and obligations of its clients.
The LBE® agency shall fully and thoroughly implicate the client in this working relationship and in achieving the desired results, and pledges to be the co-producer of manageable, working solutions for the client.

6. Quality
The LBE® agency shall implement a follow-up procedure to continually improve its services, notably through a client satisfaction survey addressed to the businesses and public bodies it works with.

6. Quality
The LBE® agency shall implement a follow-up procedure to continually improve its services, notably through a client satisfaction survey addressed to the businesses and public bodies it works with.
The LBE® agency’s Coaching Services fall within a well-managed process that respects the particularities and interests of our individual and business clients.
The Code of Ethics for our Coaching Services is built upon six fundamental values:

1. Confidentiality
The LBE® agency guarantees absolute confidentiality and security, and shall comply with all legislation in place for the protection of personal information both in the client files and about the work done.
When the coaching is paid for through a third-party financer (business, public body or any physical person), the eventual reimbursement to the backer is the responsibility of the person being coached.

1. Confidentiality
The LBE® agency guarantees absolute confidentiality and security, and shall comply with all legislation in place for the protection of personal information both in the client files and about the work done.
When the coaching is paid for through a third-party financer (business, public body or any physical person), the eventual reimbursement to the backer is the responsibility of the person being coached.

2. Contractualization
The LBE® agency shall establish a coaching service agreement before undertaking any action. This agreement will clearly define the expected services and fees, as well as the conditions surrounding any subcontracting or joint-contracting.

2. Contractualization
The LBE ® agency shall establish a coaching service agreement before undertaking any action. This agreement will clearly define the expected services and fees, as well as the conditions surrounding any subcontracting or joint-contracting.

3. Due Care
The LBE® agency shall take all the appropriate measures, within the scope of the contract, to encourage the personal and professional development of the person being coached, including calling upon outside resources to complement the agency’s skills base when necessary.

3. Due Care
The LBE ® agency shall take all the appropriate measures, within the scope of the contract, to encourage the personal and professional development of the person being coached, including calling upon outside resources to complement the agency’s skills base when necessary.

4. Transparency
The LBE® agency shall clearly explain its coaching methods and provide all other public information requested to the client.
The LBE® agency shall justify its methods and the costs of its services.

4. Transparency
The LBE ® agency shall clearly explain its coaching methods and provide all other public information requested to the client.
The LBE ® agency shall justify its methods and the costs of its services.

5. Integrity
The LBE® agency’s approach relies on respecting and protecting the dignity and integrity of each of its clients. As such, it shall encourage and develop their individual and professional potential by helping trainees to become aware of their own resources and abilities.
The LBE® agency shall ensure that the length of the coaching contract will allow the client to attain the proposed objectives. The agency shall ensure that the client in no way becomes dependent upon its services.
The LBE® agency shall adapt its services according to the trainee’s actual progress, and recognises that the trainee has the right to halt the coaching process at any time, without any justification necessary.

5. Integrity
The LBE ® agency’s approach relies on respecting and protecting the dignity and integrity of each of its clients. As such, it shall encourage and develop their individual and professional potential by helping trainees to become aware of their own resources and abilities.
The LBE ® agency shall ensure that the length of the coaching contract will allow the client to attain the proposed objectives. The agency shall ensure that the client in no way becomes dependent upon its services.
The LBE ® agency shall adapt its services according to the trainee’s actual progress, and recognises that the trainee has the right to halt the coaching process at any time, without any justification necessary.

6. Quality
The LBE® agency shall implement a follow-up procedure to continually improve its services, notably through a client satisfaction survey addressed to the clients who have benefitted from its coaching services.

6. Quality
The LBE ® agency shall implement a follow-up procedure to continually improve its services, notably through a client satisfaction survey addressed to the clients who have benefitted from its coaching services.
The LBE® agency’s Recruitment Services fall within a well-managed process that respects the particularities and interests of each of the different players involved (job candidates on the one hand, and businesses and public bodies on the other).
With regards to Businesses and Public Bodies, the Code of Ethics for our Recruitment Services is built upon six fundamental values:

1. Confidentiality
The LBE® agency shall exercise professional discretion and maintain absolute confidentiality. The agency shall not use the information that it receives from a business or public body for any other purpose besides successfully completing the recruitment work in question.
The LBE® agency shall implement all appropriate measures to ensure absolute protection of such information.

1. Confidentiality
The LBE® agency shall exercise professional discretion and maintain absolute confidentiality. The agency shall not use the information that it receives from a business or public body for any other purpose besides successfully completing the recruitment work in question.
The LBE® agency shall implement all appropriate measures to ensure absolute protection of such information.

2. Contractualization
The LBE® agency shall establish a recruitment service agreement before undertaking any action. This agreement will clearly define the expected services and fees, as well as the conditions surrounding any subcontracting or joint-contracting.

2. Contractualization
The LBE® agency shall establish a recruitment service agreement before undertaking any action. This agreement will clearly define the expected services and fees, as well as the conditions surrounding any subcontracting or joint-contracting.

3. Due Care
The LBE® agency shall implement all the measures agreed upon in the contract to make the recruitment process as successful as possible.

3. Due Care
The LBE® agency shall implement all the measures agreed upon in the contract to make the recruitment process as successful as possible.

4. Transparency
The LBE® agency shall conduct its work based on a written proposal that outlines the needs of the business / public body, specifies the task and its terms, clarifies the methodology to be used, and includes the contractual and financial conditions of this agreement.
The LBE® agency shall keep the businesses and public bodies who have commissioned its services regularly informed of the progress being made in the recruitment process.
The LBE® agency shall justify its methods and the costs of its services.

4. Transparency
The LBE® agency shall conduct its work based on a written proposal that outlines the needs of the business / public body, specifies the task and its terms, clarifies the methodology to be used, and includes the contractual and financial conditions of this agreement.
The LBE® agency shall keep the businesses and public bodies who have commissioned its services regularly informed of the progress being made in the recruitment process.
The LBE® agency shall justify its methods and the costs of its services.

5. Integrity
The LBE® agency shall instigate a reliable, long-lasting partnership as well as a balanced relationship between the players involved (job candidates on the one hand, businesses and public bodies on the other), in terms of openness, transparency and tracking, while also remaining fully aware and respectful of the rights and obligations of each of the parties.

5. Integrity
The LBE® agency shall instigate a reliable, long-lasting partnership as well as a balanced relationship between the players involved (job candidates on the one hand, businesses and public bodies on the other), in terms of openness, transparency and tracking, while also remaining fully aware and respectful of the rights and obligations of each of the parties.

6. Quality
The LBE® agency shall implement a follow-up procedure to continually improve its services, notably through a client satisfaction survey addressed to the businesses and public bodies it works with.

6. Quality
The LBE® agency shall implement a follow-up procedure to continually improve its services, notably through a client satisfaction survey addressed to the businesses and public bodies it works with.
With regards to Job Candidates, the Code of Ethics for our Recruitment Services is built upon six fundamental values:

1. Non-Discrimination
The LBE® agency shall exercise its profession with a respect for all basic human rights.
The LBE® agency shall not in any way discriminate based on origin, sex, marital or family status, pregnancy, physical appearance, surname, health, disability, genetic traits, customs, sexual orientation or identity, age, political views, union activities, or a true or assumed affiliation with a specific ethnicity, nation, race or religion.
The LBE® agency shall only judge job candidates according to their skills and abilities (knowledge, know-how and social skills) when it comes to a job vacancy, in keeping with these guiding principles of non-discrimination.

1. Non-Discrimination
The LBE® agency shall exercise its profession with a respect for all basic human rights.
The LBE® agency shall not in any way discriminate based on origin, sex, marital or family status, pregnancy, physical appearance, surname, health, disability, genetic traits, customs, sexual orientation or identity, age, political views, union activities, or a true or assumed affiliation with a specific ethnicity, nation, race or religion.
The LBE® agency shall only judge job candidates according to their skills and abilities (knowledge, know-how and social skills) when it comes to a job vacancy, in keeping with these guiding principles of non-discrimination.

2. Confidentiality
The LBE® agency shall exercise professional discretion and maintain absolute confidentiality. The agency shall not use the information that it receives from a job candidate for any other purpose besides successfully completing the recruitment work in question.
The LBE® agency shall not send a job candidate’s Curriculum Vitae to an outside party without prior approval.

2. Confidentiality
The LBE® agency shall exercise professional discretion and maintain absolute confidentiality. The agency shall not use the information that it receives from a job candidate for any other purpose besides successfully completing the recruitment work in question.
The LBE® agency shall not send a job candidate’s Curriculum Vitae to an outside party without prior approval.

3. Respect for your private life
The LBE® agency respects the private lives of all job candidates.
The LBE® agency can use its professional networks to circulate offers, get in touch with potential job candidates and find out any public information about their professional situation. However, it shall not share the personal information it has collected about the candidate on any social network.
When directly approaching candidates in their workplace, the LBE® agency shall proceed with tact and diplomacy.
The LBE® agency shall not contact any references without the explicit approval of the job candidate. As such, if the file that the agency has does not contain a notice indicating that it is authorised to consult the persons listed as references, the LBE® agency will not contact the references listed.

3. Respect for your private life
The LBE® agency respects the private lives of all job candidates.
The LBE® agency can use its professional networks to circulate offers, get in touch with potential job candidates and find out any public information about their professional situation. However, it shall not share the personal information it has collected about the candidate on any social network.
When directly approaching candidates in their workplace, the LBE® agency shall proceed with tact and diplomacy.
The LBE® agency shall not contact any references without the explicit approval of the job candidate. As such, if the file that the agency has does not contain a notice indicating that it is authorised to consult the persons listed as references, the LBE® agency will not contact the references listed.

4. Transparency
The LBE® agency shall acknowledge receipt of all career profiles. At the conclusion of the recruitment process, the agency shall also give a detailed response to all applicants.
The LBE® agency shall inform job candidates of the nature of the evaluation process to be used. If a candidate requests, it will reproduce, verbally or in writing, the evaluation guidelines as they were formulated for the company in recruitment.
The LBE® agency shall keep the candidates informed as to the progress of the recruitment process.

4. Transparency
The LBE® agency shall acknowledge receipt of all career profiles. At the conclusion of the recruitment process, the agency shall also give a detailed response to all applicants.
The LBE® agency shall inform job candidates of the nature of the evaluation process to be used. If a candidate requests, it will reproduce, verbally or in writing, the evaluation guidelines as they were formulated for the company in recruitment.
The LBE® agency shall keep the candidates informed as to the progress of the recruitment process.

5. Integrity
The LBE® agency shall instigate a reliable, long-lasting partnership as well as a balanced relationship between the players involved (job candidates on the one hand, businesses and public bodies on the other), in terms of openness, transparency and tracking, while also remaining fully aware and respectful of the rights and obligations of each of the parties.

5. Integrity
The LBE® agency shall instigate a reliable, long-lasting partnership as well as a balanced relationship between the players involved (job candidates on the one hand, businesses and public bodies on the other), in terms of openness, transparency and tracking, while also remaining fully aware and respectful of the rights and obligations of each of the parties.

6. Quality
The LBE® agency shall implement a follow-up procedure to continually improve its services, notably through a client satisfaction survey addressed to the job candidates and businesses and public bodies it works with

6. Quality
The LBE® agency shall implement a follow-up procedure to continually improve its services, notably through a client satisfaction survey addressed to the job candidates and businesses and public bodies it works with