The LBE® agency has created an innovative service for job seekers, project promoters and all professionals who are truly determined to maximise their potential and be the best that they can be. In this way, we help you to effectively attain career objectives that are perfectly aligned with your individual ambitions.
Through its Career Coaching service, the LBE® agency partners up with individuals who have a powerful desire for change and who are looking for efficient and practical guidance that goes right to the heart of the matter, without needlessly wasting any time or money.
Our Career Coaching services are aimed at two overall user-groups:

Job Seekers and Project Promoters
We offer personalised and motivational support so that job seekers and project promoters can succeed either in landing a job that matches their aspirations or in developing a promising project, as quickly and as painlessly as possible:
- Help and/or guidance with identifying a future occupation (a conscientious review, looking for innovative ideas, brainstorming, client-specific market studies, skills assessment)
- Defining a realistic action plan broken down into precisely defined stages and interspersed with key milestones
- Learning how to create and maintain wide-reaching networks of business professionals
- Learning ways to highlight your skills and improve your ranking with banks, sponsors or future employers
- Motivational coaching to help you adopt a better attitude during a job interview
- Image coaching so you can present the best side of yourself, without ever having to denounce who you really are
- Help with writing a powerful Curriculum Vitae that perfectly fits with the type of employment you are seeking
- Help in writing catchy and persuasive cover letters
- Registering your Curriculum Vitae in our database so we can offer it to potential employers

Job Seekers and Project Promoters
We offer personalised and motivational support so that job seekers and project promoters can succeed either in landing a job that matches their aspirations or in developing a promising project, as quickly and as painlessly as possible:
- Help and/or guidance with identifying a future occupation (a conscientious review, looking for innovative ideas, brainstorming, client-specific market studies, skills assessment)
- Defining a realistic action plan broken down into precisely defined stages and interspersed with key milestones
- Learning how to create and maintain wide-reaching networks of business professionals
- Learning ways to highlight your skills and improve your ranking with banks, sponsors or future employers
- Motivational coaching to help you adopt a better attitude during a job interview
- Image coaching so you can present the best side of yourself, without ever having to denounce who you really are
- Help with writing a powerful Curriculum Vitae that perfectly fits with the type of employment you are seeking
- Help in writing catchy and persuasive cover letters
- Registering your Curriculum Vitae in our database so we can offer it to potential employers

Managers and Executives
We offer customised support for boosting and fast-tracking the careers of all professionals who truly seek growth or change.
The LBE® agency assists anyone who feels that they would benefit from guidance in developing and following the career path of their choice. We guide our clients towards asking themselves the right questions, finding the necessary answers, learning to question themselves and engaging in relevant and effective actions that will bring about the change and progress that they are seeking without undue delay.
To begin with, we propose to help guide our clients as they identify / confirm what their desired career path would be. For example: We can do a complete skills assessment that offers a detailed analysis of our clients’ potential as well as their goals.
Next, we concentrate on looking for new ways to achieve these goals. We help our clients to identify inner resources that they might not even realise exist. For example: Someone may have built up their career based on their organisational skills without having taken into account their excellent intuition, active imagination or relationship skills.
Our Career Coaching service is the ideal partner for all professionals who are determined and ready to undergo this type of self-reflective study, and who agree to dedicate the time and effort necessary to bring about the elected changes so that they can finally enjoy a fulfilling and motivating career, which will also have a positive impact on their personal life and their general well-being.
The advantage of a professional personally contracting this type of guidance, instead of going through our Professional Coaching services (intended for Businesses and Public Bodies), which is financed by the employer, is obviously the confidentiality that our Career Coaching service offers, since no one at their place of business will know that they are seeking this support.

Managers and Executives
We offer customised support for boosting and fast-tracking the careers of all professionals who truly seek growth or change.
The LBE® agency assists anyone who feels that they would benefit from guidance in developing and following the career path of their choice. We guide our clients towards asking themselves the right questions, finding the necessary answers, learning to question themselves and engaging in relevant and effective actions that will bring about the change and progress that they are seeking without undue delay.
To begin with, we propose to help guide our clients as they identify / confirm what their desired career path would be. For example: We can do a complete skills assessment that offers a detailed analysis of our clients’ potential as well as their goals.
Next, we concentrate on looking for new ways to achieve these goals. We help our clients to identify inner resources that they might not even realise exist. For example: Someone may have built up their career based on their organisational skills without having taken into account their excellent intuition, active imagination or relationship skills.
Our Career Coaching service is the ideal partner for all professionals who are determined and ready to undergo this type of self-reflective study, and who agree to dedicate the time and effort necessary to bring about the elected changes so that they can finally enjoy a fulfilling and motivating career, which will also have a positive impact on their personal life and their general well-being.
The advantage of a professional personally contracting this type of guidance, instead of going through our Professional Coaching services (intended for Businesses and Public Bodies), which is financed by the employer, is obviously the confidentiality that our Career Coaching service offers, since no one at their place of business will know that they are seeking this support.
Our Career Coaching service is not simply a matter of selling advice. We work with you in-depth to gradually lead you towards attaining true self-awareness.
This means questioning yourself on your career path and the means by which you intend to achieve your goals, as well as verifying the coherence of what you have articulated.
The goal of this process is to bring to light, one at a time, the various hurdles that you will have to face and to determine ways that you can learn to overcome them once and for all.
The next step is to establish an action plan together according to your desired objective, the various means you intend to use to attain this objective, and the obstacles that you will have to overcome.
For example, this could entail an action plan that leads you to present yourself in the best possible way to the employers, sponsors or banks that you must call upon in order to realise your professional goals. Alternatively, it could be an action plan that aims to thoroughly work on your career portfolio, or maybe an action plan with the goal of making you more comfortable, persuasive and professional in your spoken communication… There are as many different examples as there are individual objectives. We adapt our services to each of our clients, and are there to listen to your needs and to enthusiastically, passionately and confidently guide you towards success.
1. What is Career Coaching ?
Contracting a Career Coaching service at a personal level is a new direction that our societies are headed.
This service is still often misunderstood by the general public, although it clearly needs to be further developed and take its rightful place in a rapidly changing business world. Nowadays, individuals are expected to thoroughly and completely take charge of their own career paths. In fact, we can no longer expect anything out of traditional systems, which simply relied on telling us what we should do, instead of offering assistance or guidance. This means that we need to become completely clear about who we are, what we want, and what we do not want. This is not an easy thing to do. You need to learn how to decondition yourself so that you can rid yourself of any engrained ideas that might be stopping you from being your true self, who you really are. In fact, this step is absolutely essential in order to build a suitable and promising professional life for yourself that reflects who you really are and provides you with personal satisfaction and fulfilment.
The LBE® agency offers you an innovative service that is perfectly adapted to the world that we live in and in sync with the realities that we all must face. We are there to really listen and to help you to reach your personal and professional goals.
2. When should I seek the LBE® agency’s Career Coaching service ?
The LBE® agency’s Career Coaching service helps those who are seeking professional development to adopt a winning strategy and to apply extremely effective methods so that they can attain results that match their ambitions and their individual and professional potential.
As such, the LBE® agency offers to efficiently assist our clients with a number of diverse issues, situations and problems. Here are just a few examples:
- Finding a fulfilling job / activity that is in harmony with who you are
- Analysing the suitability of a career change and assistance with pursuing it
- Creating your business so that is aligned with your ambitions, as well as securing the financial means necessary to conduct it and protecting your personal life
- Realigning your career path to help you increase your personal drive
- Thoroughly taking stock of your professional situation and its impact on your personal life in order to better orient you
- Guidance with fostering your internal development and learning to position yourself so that you can achieve your desired profession
- Helping you to successfully undergo a career change that involves a difficult transitional period
- Making you more comfortable with decision-making and improving your leadership skills
- Assistance with successfully taking up a demanding new position
- Learning to succeed in creating and inspiring synergy within your team
- Learning to delegate responsibilities to your team members
- Gaining the know-how and social skills to lead a meeting
- Learning how to deal with disagreements without any conflict
- Gaining the trust of decision-makers and preparing to apply for positions of great responsibility
- Succeeding in an overseas project
We can also be a useful support for finding solutions to difficult professional situations, such as, for example:
- Feeling detrimentally isolated within your company, such that there is a negative impact on your work efficiency
- Feeling that you are not supported or recognised, resulting in a problematic lack of motivation
- Dealing with a pressing need to escape from what you feel to be a long period of professional stagnation
- Dealing with stress compounded by having to work in an environment that does not offer any real job security
3. How exactly do you provide your Career Coaching service ?
To ensure the success of our Career Coaching service, we work within the framework of a coaching contract that is painstakingly established between the different players. This includes a clearly-defined objective, indicators to assess whether this objective has been reached, the number of sessions and the necessary meeting arrangements which have been organised with the client, an end-of-coaching assessment, and a post-coaching follow-up, if necessary.
Before committing to a contract, we offer our clients a free exploratory interview.
This free interview allows our future coaching clients to take the time necessary to openly and honestly discuss matters with their coach. The coach is there to actively listen and to gain a complete understanding of the issues at hand.
This free interview also lets our clients determine if there is a good connection between them and the coach. This is crucial for our coaching services to be successful.
Finally, we will clearly explain to our client our Code of Ethics (which will also be annexed to our service contract).
At the conclusion of this exploratory interview, the LBE® agency establishes a coaching proposal (diagnosis of the situation, coaching goals, schedule) and a detailed estimate for our services.
The coaching proposal forms the basis for preparing our coaching service contract.
It will include a description of the meeting arrangements that the client has opted for during the exploratory interview:
- Choice between in-person meetings, video-conferencing or telephone meetings, or a combination thereof
- Length of the sessions: 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 and ½ hours or 2 hours
- Number of sessions
- The date and time of each session
- The location of the session, if it is in-person
- How the client should reach the coach, if it is a video-conference or telephone meeting
To make using our services as convenient as possible, our clients have the option of combining these different communication methods in order to accommodate their schedules, time constraints, transportation requirements and other organisational matters.
Each coaching session follows an agenda that is defined by mutual agreement between the client and the coach. This may be adapted according to the actual progress made.
The coaching proposal will also include the following important elements:
- A precise description of the desired objective (what, when, who, how)
- A schedule outlining all the coaching sessions, including the target date for reaching the final objective and the date of the final assessment
- Precise methods for evaluating whether the final objective and related sub-objectives have been reached
Obviously, for the peace of mind and comfort of our clients, we allow them time to reflect on our offer before they are asked to approve the coaching proposal and our estimate.
Once the service contract has been signed, our coaching work can begin.
The client can, at any time, choose to temporarily suspend or halt our coaching services for good. In this case, the remaining coaching sessions, which have yet to occur, will be entirely reimbursed.
4. What different meeting arrangements are available for your Career Coaching service ?
An individual contracting our Career Coaching services can take advantage of our very flexible meeting arrangements, which helps to minimise any time or transportation issues, thanks to the range of choices we offer:
- In-Person Coaching (at a location prearranged by both parties)
- Coaching via Videoconference
- Coaching via Telephone
Further, in order to ensure that our coaching services completely adapt to the organisational constraints of our clients, it is also possible to combine these different communication methods so that they correspond perfectly with your schedule and make seeking our services as convenient as possible.
The details of the arrangements for each of the coaching sessions coordinated are described within the “Coaching Proposal” and “Coaching Contract” documents (see Question 3).
5. What are your fees ?
The fees for our Career Coaching service depend on the terms set by the client:
- The logistical choice between in-person meetings, video-conferencing or telephone meetings, or a combination thereof; and,
- The length of the sessions: 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 and ½ hours or 2 hours.
This flexibility, both in terms of fees and organisation, is offered so that the coaching conditions are as convenient for you as possible, so that you can focus on the most important thing: reaching your goals.
We invite you to contact us to arrange a meeting consisting of a free exploratory interview, after which time we will be in a position to deliver you two documents: our coaching proposal as well as a customised, detailed estimate of our fees.
6. Do you charge for the initial interview ?
No, the first “exploratory” interview is offered free of charge.
7. Is financial assistance available for your Career Coaching service ?
We are aware of the financial restraints that our clients are facing, whether as job seekers, students or young graduates. As such, we offer them our services at a reduced rate that can be individually adapted to their economic situation.
Further, in certain countries, Career Coaching clients can have their fees paid for by their Individual Training Entitlement.
Additionally, if an employee leaves a position with a specific career goal in mind, it may be possible to bring up the cost of our Career Coaching service in the discussions surrounding severance pay so that their former company can help cover these costs.
8. What are the terms of payment for your Career Coaching service ?
Payment for our services is done in three steps:
- One-third of the payment at the time of the signing the service contract
- One-third of the payment at the half-way point through the contract
- The remaining one-third of the payment after the final assessment has been completed
9. Are your services available outside of France ?
Of course !
We are happy to guide you towards success in your professional projects no matter where you are, regardless of the country or city that you call home or the language that you speak.
In fact, the LBE® agency is proud to work at an international level.
We are open to all the world’s cultures and are happy to come to you in order to work with you towards your success.
Do not hesitate from contacting us to further discuss the services we offer.
If you have other questions about our Career Coaching service, please feel free to contact us !